Nintendo 64 Controller

Wednesday 20 April 2016


After gathering reference images from pinterest and Google Images, I started drawing silhouettes to begin deciding the form of my Cyborg Character.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Life Drawings

These are some more recent life drawings which have clearly developed since the beginning of the year. The accuracy of proportions, perspective and use of negative space to draw bodies has Increased. I particularly enjoyed the sessions where props are used as this added more character to the model and my drawings.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Steampunk Space-Pod

This project ended up incorporating two different tasks, building a ship and making it steampunk. Through research and developing my Ideas I noted the key elements of a space craft and designs of the steampunk genre. Using my drawings and reference I created a 3D model of my ship to then use a paint over technique to finalise my design.


This task involved researching different trees and bark to create a "Tree with Character". I looked at how different trees could create various atmospheres using light but also the shape of the tree itself. I decided on a jagged design which suggests a more dark and morbid scene is being set.

Insectoid Character

After researching different types of insect I used different portions of each and drew them together to see what kind of interesting characters I could design. I quickly drew up some silhouettes focusing on the contrast between negative space and realistic shapes which could be easily modelled. I chose to develop the third silhouette as it seems to capture the rigid and natural shape of an insect, yet it stands as a humanoid. I then created a greyscale by adding light and dark shading, before introducing texture and colour. 



Here is a science fiction themed room design drawn using the two point perspective method. Using my reference I noticed key features of science fiction which I added to my design, these include extrusions in the floor and walls, a futuristic chair, computers with panel controls and oversized "testing tubes". Using two point perspective I created shapes which were accurate to the angle of the room and added my designs accordingly.  

Shading From Egg Tutorial

The outline of this piece was pre-drawn and as a task we needed to create the right shading and contrast to create greater detail and form. I started shading with a lower opacity brush then gradually made the shadows darker until I added in the light spots by erasing and adding white to the image. 

Thursday 7 April 2016

2D Game Update (Broken)

Today the game broke after clicking run and build. I thought this was due to a corrupt script and deleted it but this made the problem worse. I have  made a copy of the game saving all the assets however it is still broken. Note to self do not delete scripts! >_< I will attempt to fix it, however I have a feeling I will have to  re-do the scenes and create a new project.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Skeletal - Muscular Studies

With the aid of an anatomy atlas I have carefully studied the structure and components of the human skeleton. After developing sketches from anatomical reference I have learnt the names and purpose of the bones in the body. I have also learned about the different types of joints and movement in the skeleton. In our life drawing lesson we drew a front and back view of the life model and labelled the muscles we could see. This was especially helpful as we were allowed to see how the muscles fit onto the skeleton and made parts of the body move.

Reference used: