Nintendo 64 Controller

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Photoshop Practice

Over Halloween I took the opportunity to test my Photoshop painting skills by creating my own ghoulish monster, I call him "Cheesy". My references taught me most monsters are usually human shaped with a head arms and legs ect. with added nasty bits in this case a giant foot with a lot of teeth. I chose to make my creature a single body part as a single severed body part looks very out of place. Also I find feet very difficult to draw so this helped my technical skill as well as testing my ability to stare  at the bottom of my foot for longer than i usually would.

 I developed my initial sketches into a grayscale then picked a colour palette based on my reference Images, I also added a texture to add a more vile texture to make him even creepier. If I were to make any adjustments I'd have probably added a few more unknown skin diseases and do something more elegant with the background, although the pure white seems to make him even eerier.

Tuesday 15 December 2015


This was my first testing cell model attempt, the main rooms were in place but the design seemed off. I figured this was due to making a model without thinking about making the size of the map relative to the players size.

I'm currently working on re-building my model with better measurements.

Monday 16 November 2015

Colour Swatches and Shading lesson

In this lesson I learnt how shadows are created and how objects can be shaded in a believable way.

Monday 9 November 2015

Body Proportions

For this task i drew a Dwarf and Elf character complying to head to height guidelines. 

Crustacean Silhouettes

Here are some character silhouette concepts based on crustaceans. This task tested my painting skills in working a different way. I started from a solid black shape of the character erasing where I had to. This also helped my understanding of how important it is to create shapes which can be transferred and modeled in a less complicated way. My progress is clearly visible as some are better than others. If I work on my speed i could have had time to make them all as good as my personal favorite the Crab Samurai dude.     

Wednesday 4 November 2015

FCGM4010: 3D Art Production Battle Arena Project

Alien Battle Arena

Through researching some online concept art (Image 1 Google Images)I've been inspired to build my battle arena using futuristic alien references. I feel following this theme gives me the ability to stylise my models in a more imaginative way as it's based in the future. The entrance/exit of my battle arena will be through the mouth of an alien like mammoth skull with stylised foliage. I would also like to incorporate a large open pit in the middle of the arena, partly inspired by the 'moon door' in Game Of Thrones. This could also potentially be animated as a trigger opening and closing door.

Thursday 22 October 2015

Winter Project

This is a short storyboard explaining my initial intentions for my gameplay. The player begins in an abandoned post-apocalyptic testing cell where they will have the opportunity to get to grips with the core gameplay. I've chosen this uninviting location as an ironic beginning to my game as it will most likely be the safest area they come across throughout the narrative. My triggered events will involve opening cell doors, picking up of a radio and power keys in order for the lift mechanism to activate.

Below is a moodboard showing reference of prisons and testing facilities as I want my level to portray a mix of both, also my first attempt at building my level in maya. Using a "life sized" cube as a guide to creating a more realistic space. I don't like the squareness of my scene as it does not have a futuristic feel to it. To achieve this I am going to re-map my level, exaggerating its key features i.e the elevator pod, testing area and prison cells.   

Friday 2 October 2015

[Pilot Post] Sensationalism

The Sensationalist art movement was established in 1997 by members of the YBA (Young British Artists) including artists such as Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin. The movement involves artwork which has bold and controversial meaning.

 (Tracey Emin's "Everyone I have ever slept with."1963-1995. Google Images.)

The picture above shows Tracey Emin's tent named "Everyone I've ever slept with." which may give some the impression she is a woman who sleeps around a lot, however her intentions were to display the names of everyone she has shared a bed with including friends and family. This bold statement intends to arguably highlight the judgmental nature of the media and society.

Video-games tend to also receive some negative feedback from the media and general public whether it's the size of Lara croft's breasts or the realistic violent content of the newest GTA. I believe it's important to have a strong message within videogames however as they tend to be picked on for their content often games producers should be aware of possible media backlash.

Monday 28 September 2015

One Point Perspective

This is my first attempt at drawing a spaceship design side view in one point perspective. As far as aerodynamics go i think the front could have been more streamline as it seems very flat and bulky, however i believe ive followed the one point rules well.

Robot Design

This is my concept of an alien robot that abducts humans and shreds them out of its cheeks. However i received feedback it was not very mechanical looking so i could have added a few extra nuts and bolts. The idea mostly originated from the giant steampunk spider from "Wild Wild West" and a mixture of the alien pods in war of the worlds. 

Life Drawing Session 1

Today's life drawing session was mostly focused on drawing the body in a proportionate fashion, we also experimented with using one continuous line to focus more on the important lines and shapes of the model. Upon reflection I need to focus on using more precise and consistent lines in my drawings. 

Friday 25 September 2015

Robot Drawing

In Steve's class today we drew a robot from a reference image. After initially sketching the outline, Steve's method of painting in the object first then layering paint as a gray scale getting the proportions right were much easier.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Maya 2016 Lesson01 21/09/15

Today in Phil's class we built a barrel. As an extra task I followed the rest of the tutorial unwrapping and texturing the game object.  to look a little better. I will have to work on my unwrapping/texturing/rendering as i find it very fiddly, also as i did not set up my project correctly i was unable to save my textures to the correct files.